New Zealand
FV Management Services
The newest member of our team is FV Management Services, located in New Zealand’s largest fishing port in Australasia with 20 inshore/coastal trawlers and 12 deep-sea trawlers.
John Cleal has been involved with New Zealand fishing industry for 30 year with fisheries based project management cunsultancy and sale and service of fishing gear.
Contact Information
FV Management Services
c/- 14 Ralphine Way
P.O. Box 1279
Nelson 7040
New Zealand
Phone: +64 21 30 58 25
Follow us on Facebook for news & photos
We regularly post news and photos from trawl door installation, exhibitions and more.
Polar Fishing Gear
Armuli 1 / IS-108 Reykjavik / Iceland
Tel: +354 568 50 80 / Mobile: +354 898 66 77